Antonín LYČKA
Selected publications of:
  1. Jansa J, Řezníček T, Jambor R, Bureš F, Lyčka A. Synthesis of hydroxy-substituted p-terphenyls and some larger oligophenylenes via palladium on charcoal catalysed Suzuki-Miyaura reaction. Adv Synth Catal. 2017;359:339-350.
  2. Cífková E, Holčapek M, Lísa M, Ovčačíková M, Lyčka A, Lynen F, Sandra P. 1Non-targeted quantitation of lipid classes using hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography - electrospray ionization mass spektrometry using single internal standard and response factor approach. Anal Chem. 2012;84:10064-10070.
  3. Bouška M, Dostál L, Padělková Z, Lyčka A, Herres-Pawlis S, Jurkschat K, Jambor R. Intermolecularly coordinated organotin tellurides. Stable or unstable? Angew Chem Int Ed. 2012;51:3478 – 3482.
  4. Marek R, Lyčka A, Kolehmainen E, Sieveren E, Toušek J. 15N NMR spectroscopy in structural analysis: An Update (2001 – 2005). Cur Org Chem. 2007;11:1154-1205.
  5. Gili P, Bertolasi V, Pretto L, Lyčka A, Gilli G. The nature of solid-state N-H…O/O-H…N tautomeric competition in resonant systems. Intramolecular proton transfer in low-barrier hydrogen bonds formed by the …O=C-C=N-NH… ↭ …HO-C=C-N=N… ketohydrazone-azoenol systém. A variable-temperature X-ray crystallographic and DFT computational study. J Am Chem Soc. 2002;124:13554-13567.
  6. Marek R, Lyčka A. 15N NMR spectroscopy in structural analysis. Cur Org Chem. 2002;7:35.
  7. Lyčka A, Holeček J, Micák D, Biesemans M, Martins JC, Willem R. 13C - 119Sn correlation NMR in solution and solid state CP/MAS NMR of bis(tributylstannyl(IV) O-5,6-isopropylidene-L-(+)-ascorbate. Organometallics. 2000;19:703.
  8. Lyčka A. Multinuclear NMR of azo dyes and their metal complexes. Annu Rep NMR Spectr. 2000;42:1.
  9. Lyčka A. Multinuclear NMR of Azo Dyestuffs. Annu Rep NMR Spectr. 1993;26:247.
  10. Holeček J, Nádvorník M, Handlíř K, Lyčka A. 13C and 119Sn NMR study of some four- and five- oordinate triphenyltin(IV) compounds. J Organometal Chem. 1983;41:177.